0x00 DIVERR fault divide error
0x01 SGLSTP trap debugging
0x02 NMIFLT NMI non-maskable interrupt
0x03 BPTFLT trap breakpoint
0x04 INTOFLT trap overflow; programmed exception detected by INTO instruction
0x05 BOUNDFLT fault array range exceeded; programmed exception detected by BOUND instruction
0x06 INVOPFLT fault invalid opcode; illegal instruction possibly due to an error in the cache, bad hardware, or bad memory
0x07 NOEXTFLT fault coprocessor not available; usually caused by the device not being present
0x08 DBLFLT abort double fault (causes a DOUBLE PANIC); caused by an illegal instruction from a third-party device driver, or bad memory
0x09 EXTOVRFLT abort coprocessor extension overrun; reserved on the Pentium
0x0A INVTSSFLT fault invalid TSS (Task State Segment); usually occurs when performing i8086 emulation
0x0B SEGNPFLT fault segment not present; caused by an addressing problem due to bad memory, or conflict with a third-party device driver
0x0C STKFLT fault stack fault (system mode only); fixed stack size is being overflowed, perhaps caused by a third party device driver
0x0D GPFLT fault general protection; caused by invalid address, or parity error from bad memory
0x0E PGFLT fault page fault; page could not be brought into memory due to bad memory, or a bug in a third party device driver
0x0F reserved
0x10 EXTERRFLT fault floating point error; caused by bad coprocessor hardware
0x11 alignment check on 486 and Pentium only; otherwise reserved
0x12 machine check on Pentium only; otherwise reserved
0x13-0x1F reserved
0x20-0xFF INTR external interrupts on the INTR pin