2 August 2002 Source: http://www.eurocompton.net/~fuk/el8.2.txt ----------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh ################################################ ## the gr8zt ez1ne t0 evr gr4ce this pl4ce. ## ################################################ ##::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::## ##:'####::::::'########:'##::::::::'#######:::## ##'## ##:'##: ##.....:: ##:::::::'##.... ##::## ##..::. ####:: ##::::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##::## ##:::::....::: ######::: ##:::::::: #######:::## ##:::::::::::: ##...:::: ##:::::::'##.... ##::## ##:::::::::::: ##::::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##::## ##:::~el8[2]:: ########: ########:. #######:::## ##::::::::::::........::........:::.......::::## ################################################ ## the definitive src for the Afgan H/P Scene ## ################################################ ## do "sh " to extract eldump.c ## ## compile eldump.c and use it to extract ## ## the rest of the w4r3z: ## ## $ ./eldump el8.2.txt -vvv ## ## el8@press.co.jp ## ## <*> el8.n3.net ## ## <-> packetstorm.securify.com/mag/~el8/ ## ## <*> el8.8m.com ## ## <*> packetstormsecurity.com/mag/~el8/ ## ## <*> ftp.uu.net/tmp/EL8MAGAZINEDONTDELETE ## ## <-> keyword "~el8" on aol.com ## ## <-> www.textfiles.com/~el8 ## ## <-> nipc.gov/~el8 ## ## <-> www.fedworld.gov/0day/~el8 ## ## <-> www.fbi.gov/top10mostwanted/~el8 ## ################################################ ## where have all the 0dayz g0neeeeeeeeeeeee! ## ################################################ cat <<'-+-+'> /dev/null [BOI] .----------------------------------------------------------------. ; t4ble of h0ly w4r3z & bey0nd ; ; `------------------------------' ; ; *00* ~v~ intr0duktion ; ; *01* ~v~ food 4 th0t ; ; *02* ~v~ pr0jekt MAYHeM ; ; *03* ~v~ ADM 0day w4r3z 4 tr4de ; ; *04* ~v~ the rap thAt got 2pac c4pd by dk ; ; *05* ~v~ REAL solaris h4ckr LKM ; ; *06* ~v~ ~el8 ECHELON BASE ; ; *07* ~v~ SUM(n1gga th@ g0t rm'd) ; ; *08* ~v~ local cron exploit (dcron) ; ; *09* ~v~ bl4zt fr0m the p4st.bx ; ; *10* ~v~ private TESO press statement software (leaked) ; ; *11* ~v~ real cyber terrorist ; ; *12* ~v~ cisco coder cant code ; ; *13* ~v~ hacker comics ; ; *14* ~v~ anarchist kode kit ; ; *15* ~v~ opensshd local root exploit ; ; *16* ~v~ diztributed metag4ysis (distributed irc takeovers) ; ; *17* ~v~ r1pping 0ff ur locale telco ; ; *18* ~v~ fry sil foundation (FSF) ; ; *19* ~v~ hacker survey ; ; *20* ~v~ c0ntributi0nz ; ; *21* ~v~ HackPlayer (TM) ; ; *22* ~v~ ELDUMP & ELTAG ~el8 ez1ne t00lz ; ; *23* ~v~ clos1ngz werdz ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' .----------------------------------------------------------------. ; t4ble of ~el8 m3mbrZ ; ; `----------------------' ; ; SiLLY G00S3 -> the h1gh preezt ; ; FuNNY BuNNY -> a BLiP on your gaydar ; ; ODaY MaZTeR -> getz all the HoEZ and CoDEz ; ; ENRiCO -> insane in the MeMBRAiN ; ; ReDPUBeZ -> aka KARRoT_BoTToM ; ; CaWCaW -> eye'll te4r YoUR EyEZ OuT ; ; KRaD -> so FReSH & so CLEaN ; ; CLiFF SToLE -> CLiFF SToLE YOUR NoTEZ ; ; PoonTar -> CRaZY CooL FRe$h ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' .~v~----------------------------------------------------------~v~. ; *00* intr0duktion -- ~el8 TEaM ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' w3lcome back friendz & fo'z a new issue of ~el8 h4z juzt arrose. fr0m the b0tt0mless p1t it s4t, making itz way to the skene lyke a van1lla ice kumb4k. held in s4nktum f0r d4mn to long, the be4zt haz now been unleashed to rule lyke k4hn. rule it h4z, and rule it w1ll, bekuZ the material in th1z ezine iz 2 d4mn ill. the sc3ne iz a j0ke, we all know th@, this ez1ne w1ll hit u h4rder than so1o and hiz dropstatd. ok w3rd. a n3w ~el8 for u2 re4d. this 0ne iz *jam* p4kd lyke a sl1mjim. re4d it all the w4y thru, phr0m top 2 bottom, *DO* *NOT* *MISS* *ANYTHING* or it iz yor loss. also iph u h4ve not re4d issu3z 0 & 1, re4d them now. we r h4rdkore h4krz who clean your toilets, the h4rdkore k0derz who forcefully w1pe y0ur wind0wz @ st0pl1ghtz and intersekti0nz, the h4rdk0re phre4krZ who mow your l4wn, the h4rdk0re cr4krz who ste4l cl0thez from the salvati0n army, we take yor orderz at burger k1ng, we steal yor hubk4pz, we even put k4meraz in port `o pottiez. *_DO_* *_NOT_* *_FUCK_* *_WITH_* *_US_*. -- ~el8 team .~v~----------------------------------------------------------~v~. ; *01* ~v~ food 4 th0t -- ~el8 TeaM ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' [kdu0dz] -> BoW10, all thoz du0dz who [*]-> pozt f4ke shit {NAI DoS, GOBBLES, THoZe ROGUeZ SPooFerz} -> pe0ple who m4ke f4ke exploitz and tr4de them, SGT KoDE, -> VOiCE male DAiL, TCP JP, PAD2PAD MY Siztrz Blody Maxip4d, -> MeaTLoaF Myke, CentreX DeX, MERiDiAN MaTT, pe0ple who -> le4ve used kondumz on the ground 4me 2 uze kuz im 2 -> emb4r4ssed t0 purchase them myself. [note-to-reader] -> read the whole fucking thing [ldu0dz] -> every1 except [kdu0dz] [*]-> including the n3w phr4ck te4m, HERt, ircs, fluffi -> the fagg0t bunni, every1 in the [lamezt...] section. .................................................................... ~el8 jih4d - the h0ly w4r3z w4r - ~el8 jih4d - the h0ly w4r3z w4r -: ...................................................................' [m1ssi0nz] -> br1ng an end to the security [*]-> community, bring an end to open s0urce (m0re 0d4yz t0 n4b), -> br1ng an end to kevin poulson & mitnik'z writing kareerz, -> br1ng an end to the irc scene, br1ng an end to the ek0mmerce -> c0mmunity, telev1se the p0rn aw4rdz on publ1k tv, st4rt -> worldw1de internet kha0z, br1ng an end to media lmrz who -> cl4im t0 be ELiTE bl4kh@z (ie, k2), again -------------- -> ------------c4use-w0rld-w1de-internet-kha0z------------- [r1d-of-th1z-l4mer] -> Mark Dowd @ ISS (irc hakr on efnet) ..................................................................., ~el8 jih4d - the h0ly w4r3z w4r - ~el8 jih4d - the h0ly w4r3z w4r -: .................................................................... [b-sure-2-chek-out] -> gaius's jakartasex.txt in contrib [also-b-sure-2-chek-out] -> TRON ROLLING, the HackPlayer film [*]-> HackPlayer (TM) is fucking elite.. [kku0lway2navigatethiz-ezineinvi] -> /\~v\~ [lamezt-mailing-list-ever] -> vuln-dev [lamezt-lamer-of-the-ye4r] -> ratcorpse / ghettodxm [*]-> www.sneakerz.org/~rat -> PLaNeT uv th3 Apez p4rt 3 ^^ -> ParMaster iz n0 myke w4ldberg eye'll tell u th@ much, and -> r4tc0rpse lu0x lyke an albino orang-o-t4ng [lame-as-hell] -> TESO Press Announcement [*]-> http://www.team-teso.net/sshd_statement.php <- lamuhz [lamezt-sekurity-dork-oftheye4r] -> Toby Miller [*]-> ch3k 0ut all 0f his lame shit on securityfocus.com -> btw thiz iz by no me4nz advertisement of securityfocus.com -> FUCK YOU SECURITYFOCUS.COM [lamezt-channel-of-the-year] -> #darknet @ efnet [*]-> aft3r 2 gl0riuz ye4rz 0f #hackphreak @ undernet h0ld1ng the -> lamezt chann3l award, an even m0re l4me ch4nnel h4z sprung -> itz ru0tz. h3r3 u w1ll find pe0ple tr4d1ng h0rdZ 0f f4ke -> zer0d4yz and t4lk1ng ab0ut the m0st rekent def4cementz. -> k33p it up guyz!! ur0q ur0q ur0q ur0q ur0q ur0q ur0q!! [lamezt-koder-of-the-ye4r] -> vacuum [*]-> wh4t a diskr4ze.. www.datanerds.net/~vacuum -> chek 0ut m0re about our l4mer in the ~el8 l4mer sh0wk4se in: -> ._________________________________________________. -> !L!A!M!E!R! cisco coder cant code !S!H!O!W!C!A!S!E! -> `-------------------------------------------------' -> also, technotronic was shamefully defaced recently: -> http://defaced.alldas.de/mirror/2001/12/07/www.technotronic.com/ -> apparently technotronic was running a vulnerable cgi -> script that vacuum wrote to keep track of snort rule sets. [lamezt-boyband-of-the-ye4r] -> bakdoor boyz [lamezt-rapper-of-the-ye4r] -> Ja Rule (you fucking pussy) [lamezt-chiqbitch-of-the-ye4r] -> brit4ny spe4rz [*]-> wh1le ur l1p sinkn why d0nt u suk my 3.5 inch fl0ppy d1k [lamezt-shittalkingfaggotretard] -> TRON [bezt-support1ng-aktr] -> ge0rge c00ntrap [worzt-nickname-to-pic] -> g0ddess (ratcorpse's homegrrl) [*]-> irc du0dz eventually get ur jay peg, then ur to4st [good-advice] -> alw4yz keep dkk auto g3t on, [*]-> y0u nevr kn0w when someone w1ll confuse you w1th [*]-> som1 else and s3nd u lo4dz 0f fre$h w4r3z.. [lamezt-ircnetwork-of-the-ye4r] -> ircsnet [*]-> ircs.segfault.net, goto #segfault and FuCK with them all dhay [lamezt-country-in-the-world] -> france (frogZ) [lamezt-code-of-the-ye4r] -> jobe's solaris lkm [*]-> u k4n find the aktual s0urce k0de t0 this lkm in: -> .______________________________________________. -> !L!A!M!E!S!T! REAL solaris h4ckr LKM !C!O!D!E!R! -> `----------------------------------------------' [biggezt-one-hit-wonder] -> no not vanilla ice, fyodor (nmap) [only-midget-at-hacker-cons] -> route [*]-> dont fuck with him tho, he w1ll chew y0ur nutz off [dumb-lamerz-listed-inthisezine] -> www.adcops.com [*]-> Dan Clements, Mike Brown, eye g0t ur cc# k0dez.. [coolest-irc-network-game] -> russian roulette [lamezt-site-of-the-ye4r] -> yet again, slashdot [2nd-lamezt-site-of-the-ye4r] -> hhp-programming.com [3rd-lamezt-site-of-the-ye4r] -> cgisecurity.com [lamezt-article-of-lame-phrack57] -> http://www.phrack.org/show.php?p=57&a=10 [*]-> lcamtuf's rise of the robots, more like rise of the moron [best-narq-award] -> cripto@subterrain.net [official-porn-site] -> www.al4a.com/links We would like to sincerely thank all of you (0) idiots who voted. .~v~----------------------------------------------------------~v~. ; *02* pr0jekt MAYHeM -- "~el8 team" ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' wh4t iz pr0jekt MAYHeM? pr0jekt MAYHeM iz ~el8'z plan to br1ng down the intern3t. s1mply PuT we w4nt t0 *FUCK* up every ph0rum. w3 w4nt t0 make the livez of people in certain ch4nnelz, a l1ving *HELL*, simply PuT, we w4nt 2 destr0y IRC. w3 w4nt t0 demoralize websitez lyke hack.co.za, securityfocus.com, or yahoo.com. w3 want the f3dZ to burn in *HELL*. w3 w4nt ug3n3 sp4ff0rd t0 die of a sudden k4ze of influenza. w3 want the sekurity scene to burn up in a bl4zing inphern0. pr0jekt MAYHeM, kauze MAYHeM on the intern3t. eye h4ve dedikated a f3w tasks to my br0therZ. p4rticipation iz greatly ne4ded. th1z kan & will work. *WE* *NEED* *YOU!*. iph u r n0w ask1ng urs3lf... "yo self, why the fuck do i want to FuCK up the internet?", then u r not yet ment4ly re4dy f0r thiz enourmouz oper4tion. g3t motivated. 0ne dhay, u w1ll all h8 the internet az much az the ~el8 te4m. here iz the ~el8 wishlist, of kourze, u can m4ke ur own wishl1st, the main go4l here iz to *FUCK UP THE INTERNET*. ph0rumZ: MaNY ph0rumZ need to be demoralized and destr0yed. the ph0rumZ we *m0stly* w4nt to destroy are: SECURITYFOCUS [BUGTRAQ] <- fuck1ng lame SECURITYFOCUS [VULNDEV] <- fuck1ng ret4rdZ SECURITYFOCUS [INCIDENTS] <- fuck1ng dumb n4rq lamer faggotz SECURITYFOCUS [JOBS] <- r u k1dd1ng m3? LAME 0k.. s1nce ~el8 iz very sk1lled @ demoralizing / caus1ng k4oz / br1nging the rukuz, eye w1ll show you how to fuck with th3z l4me ph0rumZ: SECURITYFOCUS [BUGTRAQ] : 0k.. th1z is pr0bably the m0zt regulated uv the ph0rumZ. h3r3 we k4n try 2 sl1p t0nz of f4ke expl0itz / advis0rieZ / etc pass3d 0ur friend aleph1 (FAGGOT). th1z h4z been accomplished in the past. wh3n certain advis0riez r releas3d, we k4n subm1t tr0j4n k0dez / br0ken k0dez to bugtr4q. usually h3 l3tz th3z g0 0n k0z u kn0w al, he ne4dz the 0d4yz f1rZt 0n h1z dum list. 0ne ex4mple 0f th1z is the n4m3d tr0j4n releazed after horiz0n the f4g pstd. SECURITYFOCUS [VULNDEV] : 0k.. th1z 0ne izn't as h4rd t0 phuck w1th. th1z is v3ry simil4r t0 BUGTRAQ, we kan s3nd t0nz 0f troj4nz / l4me brok3n k0dez, and ask t0nz 0f stup1d fuck1ng qu3sti0nz wh1ch w1ll c0ncentr8 the m4j0rity 0f the list 0n b0guz trojan / broken k0dez. SECURITYFOCUS [INCIDENTS]:0k, this one iz actually qu1te ku0l t0 phuq w1th. u k4n p0st t0nz 0f f4ke h4k attempt l0gz 0f y0ur h4kr foez onto this list, which w1ll hopefully kauze many h4kkr w4rz to occur in the incidentz ml. pr3tty ku0l y3t sh0rt example: Dear sirs; I have been attacked recently. The attacker has penetrated all of my machines. The attack signature left by the attacker, as I have come to conclude is: RLOXLEY::0:0:EHAP:/:/bin/sh <- In the middle of /etc/passwd EHAPADMIN::0:0:Charlie Roto:/:/bin/sh <- At the end /etc/passwd 0k, that k1nd of shyt re4lly fuck1ng r0x. the ph3dZ m1ght st0p re4d1ng thiz ml to and st0p bust1ng all uz h4krz. ok w3rd th1s list must b destr0yed.. and... *DEMORALIZED* SECURITYFOCUS [JOBS] : 0k, th1z wun iz quite funny 2 fuck w1th. we k4n d0 al0t 0f phun shyt h3r3. we k4n inqu1re t0nz ab0ut j0bz, we k4n p0st f4ke j0b recruitm3ntz.. yadayada. ch3q 0ut th1s phat ex4mple: Howdy all, this is vonbonbon systems yall. We have some job openings in the janitorial security research & development sector of our company. Please contact someoneyouhate@theiremail.com. 0k az u kan see, we kan re4lly phuck up this ph0rum. dem0ralize the phuck out of it, K1LL SECURITYFOCUS. emaleZ: the purp0ze 0f this is to k1ll the morale of the email recipiant, & h0pyfully they w1ll w4nt2 commit suicide, thuz, our mission will b accomplished. h3re iz our wishlist: Theo De Raadt : deraadt@openbsd.org Eugene Spafford : spaf@cs.purdue.edu Steve Case : stevecase@aol.com Aleph1 : aleph1@securityfocus.com aleph1@underground.org RLoxley : RLoxley@hackphreak.org so1o : chris@chris2k.com sektorgrl : sekti@undernet sektorgrl'z MoM : jojobean@undernet Chris Evans : eye 4got ur email but wh3n i g3t it ur dEwMd horizon : horizon@monkey.org k2 : k2@ktwo.ca President : president@whitehouse.gov <- USA SuCKZ, HAiL CuBA IRC ch4nnelZ: ru1n thez channels. they suck ass. also ru1n thez irc networkz, they contribute to the l4me: #phrack @ efnet / @ unet #hackphreak @ unet #9x @ efnet #2600 @ efnet #!/bin/zsh @ efnet #unix @ efnet / key is nohelp <- ahahaha #lactose @ unet #darknet @ efnet #hack @ efnet / @ unet #bearcave @ efnet #!!adm @ efnet #linuxsex @ unet #phreak @ efnet #solaris @ efnet #hottub @ efnet #teenchat @ efnet / @ unet <- losers #exploit @ efnet / @ unet #bifemunix @ efnet <- hot slut stripr hoe ab0de #feed-the-goats @ efnet #!synnergy @ efnet #innuendo @ unet #!@!low-level @ efnet all of IRCNET irc. all of DUGNET irc. all of EFNET irc. all of UNET irc. keep it REaL DaLNeT. webs1teZ: well, ph0r the webs1tez.. i guess u k4n just w1p 0ut your DDoS net and DoS the fuk out 0f them. eye h4vn't uzed any 0f thez t0yz but.. ph0r u, eye w1ll. anywho thiz is 0ur w1shl1st: securityfocus.com aol.com hack.co.za <- up 4 sale, turn it into a gov-boi h8 site 2600.com yahoo.com ebay.com <- they auction underaged porno cyberarmy.com freelsd.net <- lamers cdc.gov <- cult dead cow government hq fbi.gov <- fluffi bunni institute nsa.gov <- nerdy stupid assholes defacement group fedworld.gov <- irc narq base hq every security site every exploit site every lamer group site every ecommerce site every mcdonalds *security*.{com,org,net,gov,nu} *{security,sploit,exploit,hack}*.{com,org,net,gov,nu} dont hurt the porno sites dont hurt the porno sites we k0me 2 t4ke b4ck wh4t iz r1ghtfully 0urz, --- CYBERSPACE ---. and eye'll b d4mned iph we k0ntinue t0 let the c0rper4ti0nz c0ntr0l *OUR* *WORLD*. G3T 0FF UR A$$, AND KAUZE S0ME MAAAAAAAAYH3M. pr0j3kt MAYHeM -- ~el8 team .~v~----------------------------------------------------------~v~. ; *03* ADM 0day w4r3z 4 tr4de -- "gov-boi" ; `----------------------------------------------------------------' Hello friends, this is gov-boi. I run a 0day trading repository at www.hack.co.za. I am proud to say that hack.co.za has soared to new heights. In this article, I will be exploring the hoards of ADM 0day warez that we have acquired through various trading. People in the underground who contribute bunchies to our archive: * k2 (www.ktwo.ca) * scut (www.avariationofTESOwillwork.org) * so1o (www.chris2k.com) * pr0ix (www.hack.co.za) * RLoxley (RLoxley@hackphreak.org) * cripto (jbl@subterrain.net) * sunwutzu (candy@r00tworld.org) In this document, I will take you, the reader, through a tour of 0days fancies. So enjoy, and remember, gov-boi-has-your-zerodays. Index: -----' [0] ADMbgp [1] ADMx25 [2] ADMtwix [3] Dvorak-SSHD [4] 7350854.c ----------------------------------- :ADMbgp - Contributed by sunwutzu.: ----------------------------------- za# ls ADMbgp.c ADMbgp_dec.c ADMbgp_dec.o RCS/ admbgp* contrib/ dump/ ADMbgp.h ADMbgp_dec.h Makefile README bin/ docs/ za# wc -l * 958 ADMbgp.c 99 ADMbgp.h 256 ADMbgp_dec.c 12 ADMbgp_dec.h 19 ADMbgp_dec.o 44 Makefile 56 README 2853 admbgp 4297 total za# ls bin docs dump contrib bin: admbgp* contrib: bgp.hosts.scanned.by.sunwutzu.txt docs: HOWTO analyse-update-bgp.txt rfc1771.txt.gz dump: bgp-decode.raw trace.bgp4-02 za# head -n ADMODAYISREALLYCOOLLOOKING ADMbgp.c /* * * ADMbgp * *** ADM PRIVATE . PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS CODE . ADM PRIVATE *** * * dav - candypimp - antilove * * 20010127 - candypimp join the project, and add support to decode * BGP NOTIFICATION messages * * Compile: cc -o ADMbgp ADMbgp.c * * Use: n/a * * ---[ WARNING ]--- * * DON'T USE THIS SOFTWARE WITHOUT READING THE README FILE IN THE * CURRENT DIRECTORY. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE * STARTING A BGP SESSION TO REMOTE HOST. * * ---[ EOF ]--- * * * * $Id: ADMbgp.c,v 1.13 2001/01/29 15:15:02 dav Exp dav $ za# echo "straight from the fucking ADMcvs/" straight from the fucking ADMcvs/ za# head -n CANDYPIMPISSUCHAFUCKINGSTUPIDHANDLEYOUIDIOT ADMbgp_dec.c /* * * ADMbgp_dec.c * *** ADM PRIVATE . PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS CODE . ADM PRIVATE *** * * candypimp (sunwutzu) * * ---[ WARNING ]--- * * DON'T USE THIS SOFTWARE WITHOUT READING THE README FILE IN THE * CURRENT DIRECTORY. YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE * STARTING A BGP SESSION TO REMOTE HOST. * * ---[ EOF ]--- * * * $Id: ADMbgp_dec.c,v 1.2 2001/01/29 15:15:20 dav Exp $ * */ za# head -n THEMAKEFILEMAKESEVERYONEAFRAIDOFADM Makefile # # $Id: Makefile,v 1.1 2001/01/24 23:27:54 dav Exp dav $ # CFLAGS=-O9 -g -Wall ADMbgp: ADMbgp.c ADMbgp.h ADMbgp_dec.o cc -o ADMbgp ADMbgp.c ADMbgp_dec.o $(CFLAGS) @echo @echo @echo " Please read README file * BEFORE * using this tool."; @echo " You must to know what you are going and what are causes"; @echo @echo " Use 'make diff' to create a staticly linked package"; @echo @echo " and now... h@cK th3 W0r|D !!! "; @echo za# echo "ADMbgp costs 5 0days" ADMbgp costs 5 0days ----------------------------------- :ADMx25 - Contributed by sunwutzu.: ----------------------------------- za# ls CLEAN-DEFAULT-BIG-PASSWORD README parse.c slangmodem.c LOG.FILE SAV.NUA parsef.c slangnet.c NEWS admx25.doc script/ unix-vms-other-default NUAGEN.c misc.c slang.c za# wc -l * 595 CLEAN-DEFAULT-BIG-PASSWORD 2718 LOG.FILE 19 NEWS 24 NUAGEN.c 83 README 0 SAV.NUA 567 admx25.doc 78 misc.c 495 parse.c 280 parsef.c 416 slang.c 109 slangmodem.c 308 slangnet.c 267 unix-vms-other-default 5959 total za# ls script/ CLEAN-DEFAULT-BIG-PASSWORD cisco-spr sprintnet-dialout.1 MHTdialupfinder dialrage sprintnet.dialup NUA-WAREZ/ dialup-secour tnetbrute NUA.SAV login x25-brute-sita NUAGEN.c loginpass* x25-brute-sita-cisco brute mikascript x25-script-xdm brute-nui pass x25-script2 brute-sprint password x25-script3 brute-tymnet sita-new x25-sita brute2 split.c x25-sita.au cisco-spoof sprintnet-dialout jobe.sh za# head -n DONTEVERDISTROTHISIFWETRADEIT README # when u use script with Save option dont forget to create # NUA.SAV filez ( echo > NUA.SAV ) for a virgin new scan # and much important READ THE FUQN SCRIPT ! # if you dont understand what is it DONT USE IT MOTHERFUCKER !#@%$!@$!@ # i keep logz of anybody who get this distro # if it's distro be sure to be blamed for this ! ****** PRIVATA DONT DISTRO $@!$@! OR DIE !!!!!! (antilove) here is all the *.c u need =) for compile it's easy ** compile ** gcc parse.c -o script/admx25 ** usage is simple admx25